Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 3 - Oh No??!!

Day 3 started smoothly, especially that I did not have to deliver the lesson. However, I had to finish two translations by 3 o'clock, which means that I had to use every single break, even the 5-minute ones to do what I was supposed to. That was pretty stressful, I admit, but what can I do? Unlike others, I can not afford to dedicate the whole month to CELTA only and quit all the jobs and refuse all the offers..I have to sacrifice my remaining nerves and of course sleep, though.

The first thing we did was to again receive handouts, this time language-related ones, such as style, grammar, structure, form, function. First, we had to talk about what they mean in pairs and then we already got the explanations we had to match them with. We also mentioned the MPFA thing (meaning, pronunciation, form, appropriacy). Then we dealt with some examples, such as the usage of USED TO and then also past continuous, the timeline usage a bit, some vocabulary and basically already quite a lot of information I would not be able to process unless I made a lot of notes.

Actually it is past 12 at night and I have not even started preparing the lesson plan for my tomorrow's lesson and again, the plan should be ready by 9 a.m. which means that although I stayed up yesterday, I might have to do the same tonight and who knows, how many more nights..I feel drained and not able to do a thing.

Nick introduced the grammar on his session, in particular future plans using "going to". He drew a very funny illustration of Manana on the board and tried to elicit what she "was going to do". was really a lot of fun. As well as that, we were told that grammar should be explained by the way of demonstration and situation rather than explanation.

After the lessons of other teachers, we had a feedback again and then planned tomorrow's lessons. Well, I should probably say, we "planned" them, because I have got no clue about what to do, I feel so sleepy that I might just die and at this moment, I want nothing but to sleep until 3pm, then wake up and find out that I failed (but the latter is not what I actually want).

Hope I am able to come up with something until 9am.

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