Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 2 - nerve- racking Monday

This is the beginning of week two and Monday was as stressful as it might have been. I had to prepare an assignment by 9am and I only dedicated one hour to it yesterday, at midnight. Feeling sure enough, I printed it out in the morning, again waking up at 7 o'clock and finding out that it was snowing outside. Well, it does not actually snow in Tbilisi but this snowy-rainy-muddy THING actually got on my nerves.

Today, our trainers were swapped and Manana was supposed to supervise us on our lesson and also give a feedback. I do not know exactly why but I have been panicking since morning. The first session was about delivering Listening lesson. Manana prepared one about different types of holidays, we had to first list them and then create a holiday for her as if she was a tourist from abroad. Then we listed the stages we had used starting from warm up and finishing with feedback.

Nick's session was dedicated to functional language this time. He gave us papers with particular tasks and we had to mingle to complete them. For instance, my paper said: express annoyance with your partner. So, I had to somehow become angry at every person who I met at a "party". We talked a lot about function itself and function component as well, trying to elicit as many examples as possible and then also working on a lot of contexts.

...and then it began. I was shivering all over, I could not really help myself at this point, especially that I was the third one to deliver the lesson and I had to listen to others for almost 1.5 hours. Finally, I had my turn with vocabulary and it went well enough, although I had to panic once or twice.

My feedback was also pretty positive. Now the only thing I wonder about is the assignment hoping that I will get a pass because otherwise I can not imagine working on it again, I have no more energy left.

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